5 things that I'd like to do with photography in 2018 and why

So for every passion there are goals within that passion, and these goals can vary between people.
As a part of my journey I had to sit down and ask myself 
"what are five things that I want to do as a photographer in the year of 2018? Why?"

And well..
Without further ado 

5. Get at least 3 male models into my portfolio. Now this is one that has been somewhat difficult to pull off. The women that I know tend to be much more open to hopping in front of a camera to model than the men. My reasoning is quite simply that I honestly believe that adding men to my portfolio will give me not only a different experience in learning to help my model pose, but also a more dynamic portfolio. 

4. Be a Key Part in Bands getting Business. Listen, if you've read my profile, then you'll understand that I'm a musician. Since I've moved to Panama City I've gotten very much into it's music scene. I didn't really have that outside of being a worship leader and V-CITY in Pensacola. This community has meant so much to me that honestly I just want to help it grow. So I've decided that I would hire myself out for 10 bucks an hour to bands. I would come to their gig as their photographer and give them quality images that are engaging for their websites, profiles, or whatever they may use to push themselves besides their music.

3.  Mental Illness Awareness Series. If you haven't yet I'd encourage you to go and read my first blog post. Photography has led me out of moments of depression more times than I can count. The thing is... I know that I'm not the only one that battles that or any other mental illness caused by things going wild in the brain, but often times people are just unaware that they are unaware that things like PTSD, Bipolar, Clinical depression, Anxiety, and others actual exist. I want to do a series of photos on this to raise awareness for that.  I've had a few models say that they want to participate in it too. So be on the lookout for that blog post!

2. Shoot My First Wedding. Don't get me wrong here. This wouldn't be my first rodeo as far as weddings go, but it would be my first rodeo as the lead photographer. I have assisted at one point in time. So I decided this year that I would have a very low wedding price of $75.00 an hour to get my first wedding as lead in. This way I could get a real experience in working with a wedding crowd, hopefully multiple wedding crowds. You know.. to just kind of get my feet wet, and hopefully immerse myself into a sea of glory.

1. And finally... Make Money! Yes. I want to use this as a tool to provide for my family. Though I'm working on my portfolio, I do believe that my work is worth something. Would be foolish to never put a price on anything. I do a lot of TF when it comes to models, but at the same time, there has to be an income in all of this. With the kind of time that I put into it, I'd be crazy to never change.

5 things that I'd like to accomplish 
As a photographer 
In 2018

And as always you can check out some of my most recent work on Instagram at V.H._Photography


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